Your Tax Money At Resting! - Part 2 of 2
- Category: Taxes
- Hits: 1716
And so the residents of OKTown found themselves in the strange situation of having insufficient "health services" and at the same time paying taxes at the XXXX level, YYYY level and ZZZZ level (in addition to all the "other" taxes) and on top of that if they wanted an actual, functional hospital, they had to "donate"… "from the goodness of their…
Your Tax Money At Resting! - Part 1 of 2
- Category: Taxes
- Hits: 1533
We have all heard (one way or another) how "hard" our tax money is working. Of course, as it cannot be otherwise, such expressions change from country to country and typically each one of them expresses the same idea differently. The good news? It is only semantics. The bad news? It is true. How come? Keep reading...
Let us ask you this one. Do you believe that your tax money…
How To Lie: 05 - Limiting Choices
- Category: Politicians
- Hits: 1493
This technique is based on the method of "guiding" the listener towards a pre-determined outcome. It is the same method that magicians use when they do card tricks where you must choose one. They, pre-determine in advance, which card you will choose. They do so by pretending to present a number of choices for you to choose from, when in reality they are stacking the deck in such a manner…
Means Testing - Part 2 of 2
- Category: Welfare State
- Hits: 5093
Means testing for very poor people does not work because for a segment of them this raises their standards of living above the people residing in the next upper bracket. It doesn't work either for the very poor because it destroys the economy that would allow them to get out of poverty. This doesn't work either for the group of people within the middle bracket because it removes any and…
Means Testing - Part 1 of 2
- Category: Welfare State
- Hits: 5157
You deal with your government all the time. Part of your life is spent trying to get stuff from your government. When you approach this subject you definitively know that there will be bureaucracy involved. You also know that sooner or later for some reason and for some so-called "benefits" you will be asked to provide some sort of proof that you are below certain line of economic means. If…
Shit Matters - Failure Is Always An Option
- Category: Entrepreneurship
- Hits: 1505
About a year or so ago, Bill of the Gates persuasion (the big honcho in charge of the Bill & Melinda Foundation) and former Microsoft CEO was all involved in judging the results of the "Reinvent the Toilet Fair" held in Seattle. Shit matters indeed!
In this fair many contenders competed for juicy prizes of 100K, 60K, and two 40K USD. The toilets had to function and fulfil a series…
Schools Of Public Health Are Dangerous To Your Health - Part 4 of 4
- Category: Health Care
- Hits: 1457
These so-called "Schools" typically "encourage" students to "think critically". At first glance this seems good, but in order to fully understand what this means, we need to dig deeper. Typically what you will find in the courses provided by these so-called "Schools" are "integrative assignments" which require people to "think critically"… about a certain topic… which was previously presented. In other words, students are told in hushed…
Schools Of Public Health Are Dangerous To Your Health - Part 3 of 4
- Category: Health
- Hits: 1393
As a consequence of these "scientific truths" that these so-called "Schools" provide to governments, the outcome is inevitable: public spending goes up. This raises an interesting ethical problem which we loath to tackle, but we must.
Note: in general terms we work very hard not to cross over into the ethics field because we consider that ethics is a personal choice utterly irrelevant to the principles…
Schools Of Public Health Are Dangerous To Your Health - Part 2 of 4
- Category: Health
- Hits: 1338
Going into specific details of what is called a "scientific method" would take us a great deal of writing and exposition. Thus, we can't do it. However, what we can do is to provide you with the abbreviated version, which is equally powerful. It goes like this:
- There must be independent confirmation of the experiment.
- There must be variables quantitatively (not qualitatively) measured.
- There must be significant…