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This section will contain an index to what we call Burning Libertarian Questions. And so, what is this all about?

Libertarians have been labeled as “delirious”, “mad”, “lunatics”, “impractical”, “theoretical”, “naïve” and so forth. This is so because by its very nature Libertarianism is “implausible” and seemingly chaotic if observed under the current socialist light.

The so-called implausibility of Libertarianism originates in people who have been brainwashed to believe that order and prosperity can only originate in governments. To them there is no stable environment, neither economic nor political, without government. Thus, any political theory that champions stateless or almost-stateless societies must necessarily be impractical. The flaw in this thinking is a simple one. Before socialism, before democracy, before monarchy and before any government, there was no government. This seems obvious enough for any person to grasp, yet we are forced to point out this fact time and time again. Not only at that time there were no governments but… gasp… humans survived and thrived!!! Hummm… don’t ask them to explain this one! They are too busy planning your wonderful socialist future!

The chaotic nature of Libertarianism on the other hand, it true. It could not be otherwise since Libertarianism is all about…well… Liberty! And when you have Liberty you have an endless stream of ideas and points of view. As such, we would actually be deeply surprised if we would find out that two or more Libertarians coincide in all the details of a single Libertarian current. Multiple, simultaneous points of view is a built-in feature of Libertarianism. Those accustom to “law and order” (as described by socialist government curriculums) cannot fathom the possibility that a system can be chaotic and stable in the extreme at the same time. Yet, this is exactly what Libertarianism is. Chaotic and stable. Its stability comes from its chaos. When you have unity of thought it is possible to destroy all people at once by attacking one key component of such thought (or making a key mistake at such component as governments do all the time). Where there is dis-unity of thought on the other hand, such thing is impossible. Every single thought would need to be analyzed and attacked separately (or screwed-up independently); a clearly impossible task. And so Libertarianism draws its strength from its internal chaos while all other political theories draw their weaknesses from their internal uniformity of belief. For Libertarianism chaos is strength, not weakness.

And what has this to do with anything?

Patience grasshopper. All shall be revealed.

There is an obvious and strong link between Libertarianism and Austrian Economics. In a system where governments are exceedingly small and/or they do not exist, people make their own economic decisions unhampered by state influences. Such markets are called free markets. The study of free markets (true free markets) is the indisputable arena of Austrian Economics. As such, Libertarianism and Austrian Economics are inextricably linked but they are clearly separate and distinct entities. However, a deeper understanding of Libertarianism must necessarily draw from Austrian Economics precisely because Austrian Economics studies how free markets operate. If Libertarianism is the platform, Austrian Economics is the engine. We must never forget that above all, we are economic beings because we are physical beings. Therefore, we are ruled by the laws of economics. Any explanation from a Libertarian point of view will be quite incomplete without providing the mechanism to execute it. But such mechanism can only be provided by Austrian Economics. As such, although our answers in this section will be geared towards Libertarianism, we will borrow quite extensively from Austrian Economics.

Many other Libertarian points of view draw extensively from moral or ethical philosophies. This is a common undertaking that we do not share. As a matter of fact, our type of Libertarianism shies away from anything even remotely related to ethics and morality. 

In summary, this section contains Libertarian answers to critical burning questions. But these answers will be heavily tainted by Austrian Economics and they will not (to the best of our ability) encroach into ethical or moral excuses.

The questions we will select will be taken liberally from Internet sources and from people who disagree with Libertarianism. We are of the opinion that these people either do not understand our brand of Libertarianism, Austrian Economics or both. Thus, we present our arguments and allow you to exercise your own judgment.


Economic Burning Question

BLQ:  What Does The Economy Look Under Libertarianism

BLQ: Are Markets Antisocial






Social Burning Question







Political Burning Question

BLQ: What Is Libertarianism






Moral Burning Question

BLQ: Is Libertarianism Evil

































Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.


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