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This will be our little corner in the site, where we dedicate some time to the mysteries of the world, the universe and anything that goes beyond it. Almost.

This page will serve as a link to statistics about Socialist Indices; information that we discovered and we deem worthwhile enough to have their own menu. This is information that is important but won't change too often.  We could almost call it research, but we are not pretentious enough.

Project Index:

Project Name


Efficient Socialist Scale Type I

( ESSI )

This project attempts to rank countries by their honest economic socialist level

Efficient Socialist Scale Type II


This project attempts to rank countries by their honest economic socialist level benchmarked against the USSR in 1989 (just before its implosion)

Gut Feeling Socialist Scale

( GFSS )

This project attempts to quantify the feeling as to how bad it is to live in a country in terms of mimicking the old-style, iron-fist communism of the USSR, benchmarked against the USSR in 1989 (just before its implosion)

Incompetence Socialist Index

( ISI )

This project attempts to quantify how much more incompetent are our politicians compared with the USSR in terms of delivering socialism.

Total Country Cost Of Ownership

( TCCO )

This index attempts to quantify what is the real, actual cost of having a government and receiving "free" goods and services from it.




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