Turkey - A Study In Keynesianism - Part 2 of 2
- Category: Keynesianism
- Hits: 1818

In order to understand what's going on, we must submerge ourselves deeper into data. For that, we have prepared the following chart which plots the debt chart above (as %GDP) as well as the percentage growth YOY (year over year) of the GDP per person corrected for inflation and public debt.
We know.
This is difficult to take in, but don't despair. Allow us to simplify. The blue…
Turkey - A Study In Keynesianism - Part 1 of 2
- Category: Keynesianism
- Hits: 1514

Aaaaand here we go again. It all started a few days back when the Daily Mail - UKposted an article titled "Turkey will 'root out' speculators, adviser says, as lira plunges". The article refers to the tantrum that Turkish president Erdogan went into that day. The whole issue was that the TRY (Turkish Lira) was pretty much in free fall against any other currency since December 2016… and something had…
The Military Internet Police - Part 3 of 3
- Category: Internet
- Hits: 20976

So far we have analyzed Internet oppression from a civilian point of view, but what about the military perspective? Aren't our valiant cyber warriors protecting us against those evil, evil attacks launched by the other countries (i.e. friends and foes)?
Well… no.
The situation in this area is complicated and there are several books that came out lately which provide long and accurate expositions. However,…
The Military Internet Police - Part 2 of 3
- Category: Internet
- Hits: 20502

So, going back to our topic, what's the explanation for the apparent stagnation in Internet oppression levels? Simple, there is no stagnation; it is a statistical mirage engineered by governments.
How come?
Simple. The statistics that we used to create those graphs are based on public polls. They represent what people "feel" and "see" when they are in…
The Military Internet Police - Part 1 of 3
- Category: Internet
- Hits: 21222

Some of us here at F&P are very old. So old in fact that we do remember a world without the Internet. A world where books ruled and knowledge was as precious (or more) than gold. Yet, even in those times, information -inconvenient information- was persecuted and prosecuted. Governments have a long and bloody story of censorship (see, we can write in clichés too!... although this one happens to be…
Equality - The New Supercommunism
- Category: Communism
- Hits: 1313

We work very hard (well, hardly work) at attempting to keep with the pulse of what's happening around the world every day, particularly in regards to our current economic and political state. As such we could not miss the barrage of propaganda going on since a while, all centered around a single word:
And so, we get all kinds of statements regarding the current economic situation and most of them…
Genetic Information And Insurance Costs
- Category: Health Insurance
- Hits: 4619

Since a few years now broad genetic testing has been available to people in general. We are not talking about targeted genetic testing (i.e. to find out if you have a specific disease) but testing that attempts to find as many markers of conditions or prevalences or higher risks in your entire genetic code. A number of companies make such testing available for a reasonable cost and it would seem…
Certain Policy Uncertainty - Part 2 of 2
- Category: Economic Conditions
- Hits: 1152

The analysis performed in the previous section was done from a free market perspective to illustrate one point and one point only: free markets left to their own devices do not show (on average) any of the "risks" that the Chief Economist so proudly displays. Which begs the question; if the free markets do not behave in such a manner, then what is forcing them to do so?…
Certain Policy Uncertainty - Part 1 of 2
- Category: Economic Conditions
- Hits: 1266

In June 2016 the World Bank (aka International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank or WB) proudly released their 25th Anniversary Edition of their "Global Economic Prospects" report which it titled "Divergences and Risks" (which you can find attached at the bottom of this article).
Who or what is the WB? Excellent question!
In their own words: "The World Bankis like a cooperative, made up of 189 member countries.…