Special Project: How To Lie
- Category: Politics
- Hits: 24048

Due to popular demand that we STFU… errr… we explain ourselves when we say that politicians lie, we introduce today a new Special Project. This project is all about the basic techniques that politicians use to bullshit you. These techniques are not new or unusual. On the contrary. They are very old and very well known. Every first year student of philosophy is taught about them because they do not…
Just Plain Pissed-Off
- Category: Government
- Hits: 1421

Some people do live happily ever after. Some people do live in the bliss that ignorance provides. Some people are in a state of oblivion regarding all the bullshit that surrounds them. Some. But not us. But not you. But not most people.
How is this possible considering that our standards of living are constantly going up, and up and up?
Because they are not. We have stagnated.
How do…
The Persecution Of Freedom Fighters
- Category: Taxes
- Hits: 1270

Today a man was sentenced to six months in prison (suspended) and three year probation. Furthermore, he was ordered to pay 56.5 million to the Treasury. If he does not, he will be imprisoned for one year, this time for real. And to add insult to injury, this man was ordered to pay half a million in costs to the state.
And what terrible thing did this man do?…
The Free Market Must Die!
- Category: Bureaucracy
- Hits: 23075

In the current upside-down world in which we live, governments keep telling us that we "enjoy" a "free market" which cannot be made "free" and needs to be "regulated" for "our own good". So, basically, a free, non-free market. Got it.
This kind of astronomic stupidity happens day in and day out every day. However, once in a while the "other" group of bureaucrats who stand vigilant against those evil,…
Not A Free Trade Market
- Category: Free Trade
- Hits: 1590

We have said time and time again that globalization (as in free markets) is good. Anything that fosters barrier-free trade in goods and services is good. Yet, politicians manage to screw this up time and time again. Worse. They do it on purpose and in such a manner that it seems that they are fostering free trade when in reality they are fostering trade agreements. Big difference. Gigantic difference. Mega-Super-Giga…
Wealth Out Of Thin Air
- Category: Debt
- Hits: 20331

In January of this year (actually on the 11th), it was reported that the President of Azerbaijan declared that the "Azerbaijani government will have to prepare proposals on increasing pensions and wages in 2016".
This really does not strike us as odd at all, because this is exactly what many other politicians are saying. The only difference is that this president, Ilham Aliyev (Ali for the friends) had stated it…
About Games And Sums
- Category: Socialism
- Hits: 1339

You may have heard the term "Zero Sum Game" but we can almost bet that you haven’t heard "Positive Sum Game" and "Negative Sum Game". Why is so? Because from a political standpoint a seemingly neutral gobbledygook seems much better than a disaster. Even if it is pure propaganda.
These terms are typically used in game theory and extended into disputes or negotiations, but what do they mean?…
Good News Everybody!
- Category: Economic Conditions
- Hits: 1470

We are all royally screwed. Yup. That's right. But then again, it's not like this is any sort of new news. Nope. It's not. This is old news. How old? Well, we announced the impending debacle when we started with this site, in 2013. Others have been doing so for far more years. Some for decades. The record is probably held by Miseshimself; about 66 years ago. Why is this…
BLQ: Are Markets Antisocial?
- Category: Libertarianism
- Hits: 24548

This is our Burning Libertarian Question(BLQ) of the day. There is a strange and overwhelming perception that we need governments to protect us from those evil evil free markets. Of course, this is only a gut feeling which contains no arguments of any nature. In order to fully understand this question we need to clarify the technical details and the arguments of the people presenting this question. To be fair,…