Yesterday there was a massive demonstration in France with about 1.6 million people flooding the streets in protest? mourning? demand of justice? misplaced and misguided "national" sense? Who knows, but there they were. You probably read it all in some mainstream media because it was a juicy piece of news. We read it from the National Post - Canada in their article " Paris march balloons into France’s largest demonstration ever, with up to 1.6 million people flooding streets". Nothing like death and mayhem to increase readership.
Let's be clear. We are against any kind of violence that it is not performed in the defence of one's properties. The 17 deaths in France do not qualify and that much is obvious. But what happened next is not.
We have said time and time again (until we are blue in our face for lack of oxygen) that the main source of terrorism is people (i.e. governments and politicians) interfering with other people's views and lives. Remove this interference and terrorism decreases substantially. Beyond this point, the only true death of the so-called "terrorism" is death through natural causes: political evolution.
Yet, everything that something like this happens in the "developed" world, we have to put up with the usual political dis-information. Typically we get:
The world joined-in to…
…march around the country to repudiate…
…setting aside political differences…
…leaders agreed upon a strategy to…
…it has been compared to Sep. 11 (or some other murderous act)…
…will rise…
…proud commitment to liberties which will now have to be…"
…to ensure greater security…
…watershed moment…
…this time is different…
…at a crossroads…
…rallies were held in major cities around the world…
…unprecedented support…
…enormity of the event…
…we are united in this cause…
…nobody deserves to be murdered like that…"
…reassuring that safety has not been compromised…
…confronting extremism…
…on high alert…
…they want to scare us…
…they want to divide us…
Does all that sound familiar? It is because it has been used time and time again. Politicians must have a library of such expressions stashed somewhere just for this joyous occasion. Joyous? Most certainly. For politicians. A few lunatics killed 17 people while real wars worldwide killed about 24,000 human beings during the same amount of time. This means that 17 deaths do not even qualify as margin of error. But because it happened in a "developed" country, all the economic, social, environmental, religious, political (and so on) differences will be set aside while politicians yield carte-blanche to do whatever it is that they want to do. And they will do two things:
- They will punish their own citizens by removing even more of the few non-existent so-called rights that they have in the name of "security"
- They will involve their country in overt and covert "operations" in order to "bring to justice" (i.e. kill) those "responsible"… which will trigger yet another round of attacks.
How many countless deaths and destruction will these decisions produce? Craziness is to repeat time and time again the same acts and expect a different outcome. Because we have been there before, you know? Many times. The most difficulty thing to do in such occasions is to do nothing or close to nothing. Even in modern countries, the only "just" thing to do would be to bring those culprits to real "justice" and make them pay. Literally. Make them pay with their properties and their labour up to the point where compensation equilibrates the balance of justice. The true purpose of justice is to revert back to the original situation before the in-justice. The purpose of justice is never to punish, exert revenge or alter behaviours. Those are all myths or in today's parlance "epic failures".
Alas, this is never going to happen. World's "justice" (which includes France's "justice") is In-Justice In The Democratic System and not Justice in the Austro Libertarian System.
Their "justice" only leads to more in-justice. And the cycle begins again.
We can only say it yet again. It is up to you to do something about it. Stop voting. Begin to believe in yourself. Be your very own sovereign as nature intended. Be your very own country as political evolution demands. Be you, not the nameless, faceless mass that politicians want you to be. Free yourself and in the process you will free the rest of humanity.
But yet again, you may believe that you "belong" to a country, that you "belong" to a "nation", that you belong to a political system. And because of this, you are entitled to "justice" even though your property remains utterly unaffected by these events. To be horrifically wrong is most certainly your right. Just one thing, when the actions of "your right" backfire, you will have nobody to blame but yourself.
Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.