Since the beginning of this year there has been a rush of books, publications, comments, documentaries and all around Internet fuzz about the now famous Operation Gladio. What is Gladio? In a nutshell, an agreement spanning about 50+ years between the Vatican, the CIA, Nazis, Mobsters, extreme right activists, ex-military, military, Intelligence "Serivces" and so on mostly operating in Europe and Latin America. Gladio is the name of the operation that the CIA started after WWII to arm, train and command "stay-behind" units of Nazis (first) and extreme right paramilitary troops (second) to "fight" against the Communist threat in Europe and Latin America. The main problem however, was money. The CIA was this newly minted dark (and we mean really dark) organization that was born out of the OSS (Office of Special Services) dedicate to "defend" US interests throughout the world and against Communism. The only snag in the plan was that the CIA had no money. And so a plan was hatched. The CIA struck a deal with the Italian mob to sell heroin to black ghettos in US for a slice of the profits. Over time, the heroin (manufactured in Italy by a pharmaceutical company) was insufficient, thus other sources of opium were procured and many other mobs were conscripted to refine it into heroin. From heroin on, there was a diversification into other drugs, but primarily cocaine. And to launder all this money they used the Vatican Bank. All the major participants in Gladio shared Catholicism and perceived Communism as the big threat. Some of them were also in for the money. Some of them because they were spooks and some of them because they were ordered to do so by their "authorities", whether civil, military, secret services or religious masters.
But you don't have to believe us. Actullay, please don't. Buy the books. Watch the videos. Read the secret information now released or leaked from many sources and convince yourself that this is real. Very real. And it is still going strong. Sure, we may not have all the details, but most of it, the big pieces are there. Don't be lazy.
Most writers will write about Gladio from the point of view of an expose. So what if:
The CIA killed (directly or indirectly) 8 million people.
The KGB killed (directly or indirectly) at least 10 million people.
The Nazis killed (directly or indirectly) at least 2 million people.
The Church killed (directly or indirectly) -who knows, it's been at it for 2000 years- people.
And so on. And on. And on.
And many people became rich on the shoulders of the poor masses. And many people became powerful on the shoulders of the poor masses. And many people became venerated on the shoulders of the poor masses.
Yes, it is a disgrace. Yes, they should be made paid (literally). Yes, they are not and have never been your friend. We know that. They know that. The people writing about them know that and now you know that.
And that's that. Because that's not our point of view.'
If you are interesting in what we think, and we think you are (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this), we think differently. We think root causes.
It all started because two diametrically opposing political theories clashed over their intended dominance over the world: Communism and Capitalism.
This opposition was expressed as secret organizations which participated in a many "cold wars".
These organizations needed money to carry on covert operations.
Money needed to be untraceable.
Thus they were forced to sell something of high demand and ridiculously high profit margins.
Thus they turned to drugs.
Thus they needed to wash obscene amounts of cash to remain covert.
Thus they needed banks operating beyond any scrutiny.
And that's pretty much it. Do you begin to see now the coincidence? The common element in all of this? No? OK then. Allow us to spell it out.
It all started because two diametrically opposing political theories (sponsored by governments) clashed over their intended dominance over the world: Communism and Capitalism (USSR and US, two governments).
This opposition was expressed as secret (government) organizations which participated in a many "(government) cold wars".
These (government) organizations needed money to carry on (government) covert operations.
Money needed to be untraceable (from other governments and internal government scrutiny).
Thus they were forced to sell something of high demand and ridiculously high profit margins (ideally something where government imposed artificial prohibitions on thus creating a ridiculously profitable monopoly).
Thus they turned to drugs (because government imposed artificial prohibitions on drugs).
Thus they needed to wash obscene amounts of cash to remain covert (from other governments and internal government scrutiny).
Thus they needed banks operating beyond any scrutiny (from governments) to launder their money.
Better now? See how it all, and we mean all, connects with governments. If you remove the governments from this nightmare, there are no reasons for any of this to exist. There are no diametrically opposing political theories with sufficient backing as to create any large tension. There are no drug prohibitions thus no drug monopoly thus no insane profits, thus no money thus no violence.
In a nutshell, it all comes down to this simple truth. Gladio existed because governments exist. Period. You remove governments and Gladio goes away. Period.
But of course, this is not how most people will view it. They will feel outraged, betrayed and shocked and will demand more law and order and more scrutiny and more regulation. In a nutshell, bigger governments.
Do you now begin to see the problem?
People are so stupid and brainwashed that instead of looking for a solution they are looking for more of the same, even though "the same" is what created the problem in the first place!
Gladio is not an example of a good expose; Gladio is an example of the very reasons why governments are dangerous to your health, physical, financial and mental. The beginning and end of Gladio are governments. People who created and participated in Gladio believe that they are above mere mortals (yes, that would be you and us) and they would otherwise be considered harmless lunatics wouldn’t it be for the actions and shelters provided by… you guessed it… governments!
The solution to these problems is not more government but less. Much, much less. About zero sounds right.
But then again, you may have a different opinion. Maybe you enjoy living in terror in flimsy economic conditions, being told what to do and how to think and being smacked down for the tiniest infraction. That's OK. Not everybody can be perfect. Thank the gods!
Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.