One of the most basic questions that we are asked is quite simple: If Democracy is so bad, how is it then that so many people want it?
This is a fair question that we must address. Unfortunately, the answer is complicated and multifaceted (i.e. it has many sides or points of view). We will do our best to simplify.
Democracy is simply a step or phase within the political evolution phenomenon. As such, democracy is a step forward towards broader freedoms, higher security and better economic conditions than the previous system (see The Law of Political Systems Direction). Also as such it is not something unique or special.
Because of these characteristics (when compared to the previous system), it is possible to say categorically that yes, Democracy is indeed a better system than its predecessor. Many people believe that Democracy is the pinnacle of political evolution and they are right…in practical terms. Democracy is the best system we have today in practice. But we must never lose sight from the fact that political evolution is always in motion. Better political systems can always be found in the future. From this point of view, Democracy is not the best system there is because we can (and we have) imagined a better one: Libertarianism. The problem is that the latter is not yet in practice. Therefore to define what is "best" depends of your point of view. If we are talking about implemented political systems then yes, Democracy is the best. If we are talking about upcoming systems then no, Democracy is not the best.
Political evolution (as any other evolution) is also messy and not synchronized. Different places in the world contain different people with different histories, cultures and economic conditions. Therefore in the same manner as any other evolutive process, political evolution will differ from place to place. What this means is that in many places in the world, Democracy is indeed sought after because these people are just getting out from the previous political system and as such Democracy is indeed an improvement.
When we say that Democracy is deprecated (i.e. obsolete) we mean to say that in the countries that had democracy for 200+ years (what we often call "modern democracies"), Democracy has run its course and it has become toxic and thus ripe for a change. We have explained the necessary conditions for this change, this political evolution, in our article The Three Laws of Political System Change. All political systems eventually become toxic and counterproductive and this is not an anomaly but a prerequisite for change. The problem is that people cling to existing systems because the alternative, change, is stressful and unknown. As such, most people will prefer Democracy over the future simply because it is "the devil they know", so to speak.
Because of these different points of view to call Democracy "bad" is subjective and dependent of where you are in the political evolutionary path and how enlightened you are.
In this site we have seen many political systems and we have lived through them; nobody had to tell us what they were, we saw them in action by ourselves. For us, Democracy is no longer the best and has outlived its purpose. We have passed the point of no return because "the devil we know" is far, far worse than the "devil to come". Unfortunately, we are but a tiny portion of the peoples of the earth. We are at the very frontlines of political evolution while most people are not even aware that a war exists.
The second reason why Democracy seems to be the preferred political system is because of propaganda from vested interests. Politicians are greedy people whose jobs depend from the very existence of a Democratic system. Their privileges depend from the concept that somebody else, not them, must pay for their luxuries. Lacking democracy this would mean that they would have to scam people. In a Democratic system, however, they can not only get away with it but thrive without the fear of any negative repercussions. For politicians the Democratic system is literally permission to print and spent money, a great deal of it ending in their pockets. As such, they will use the power of the state through propaganda and "education" (see Lost Memories) to brainwash people into believing in Democracy. As the power of the state is vast and overwhelming, they are very successful at this task.
But politicians are not the only group with vested interests. There is another group above politicians (the power elite) who depends upon the existence of the state in order to gain large economic advantages. The point is that in a truly free market, economic success depends purely from serving the public. In a controlled and managed market (such as the current one), two extra massive alternatives exist. They are: government contracts and government capability to create and enforce artificial monopolies.
The notion that government contracts are juicy is no secret. Any government contractor will tell you that governments pay and they pay well. Furthermore, they do not expect results in the same manner as a private company would do because objectives are always tinted in politics, which is fuzzy. Government contracts are easy and lucrative.
Then we have artificial monopolies. This concept is also easy to understand. In a truly free market if you have a unique (and highly-sought product or service), you will develop a natural monopoly which will bring you many profits. The problem with this process is that natural monopolies are either not too profitable (e.g. books) or exceedingly difficult to achieve (e.g. the original telephone). Any company that may be able to achieve a monopoly through the banning of their competition will profit handsomely. But for this banning to occur, there must be an organization banning competitors and enforcing the ban. Governments are ideal for these tasks. They are easily controllable (by controlling politicians), they don't receive payment (governments tax, borrow and print) and they have massive enforcement organizations. All it is required to obtain access to artificial monopolies is the cooperation of politicians…which are controllable. This control is exercised through money (at low levels) and political power (at high levels). Because of this the power elite has a gigantic vested interest in supporting Democracy. Their business model depends of it. No Democracy no money and power. As such, they will brainwash people into making them believe Democracy is the best system. They will do so through the support of politicians as well as "Special Interest Groups" and their own organizations (such as Foundations or other NGO's).
Note: we must be clear. Greed in and by itself is the basis of free markets. As such greed is good. The problem is that in the presence of an enabler (such as governments), greed becomes counterproductive because serving peoples' needs is now not the only way to make money.
Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.