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Article Policy - version 1.2

1 Introduction

2 When you Log In

3 Editorial Process

4 Create an Article

5 Create an Article - Editor

6 Create an Article - Publishing

7 Create an Article - Language

8 Create an Article - Metadata

9 Editing Existing Articles

10 Automated Linking

11 Status Upgrade Request



1 Introduction

We welcome you (“you” or the “user”) as an author, or editor and we encourage you to be as candid and productive as possible in your writings.

Our mission, your mission, is to empower and engage people around the world by teaching, collecting, developing and disseminating practical applications of Libertarian and Austrian Economic principles.

We recognize that your privacy is extremely important and as an author or editor we strongly recommend you take all appropriate measures to remain anonymous. If you have any technical question, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us form. For any content-specific question, please refer to the Forum.


2 When you Log In

When you Log In through the front end of the website, a new menu will be displayed on the right. This menu contains three items:

  • Your Settings
  • Create an Article
  • Article Policies

Your Settings will take you to a page where you may change your login settings if you so desire.

Create an Article will take you to a page where you may create a new article.

Article Policies will take you to this page.


3 Editorial Process

This website is dedicated to a particular philosophy and we strive not to deviate from it. Although we are all for enlightenment and debate, their appropriate place is in the Comments or the Forum sections, not in the articles themselves. To ensure that this principle is adhered to, all articles submitted are not published immediately, but are delayed and subject to editorial review and amendment if necessary. This review is final. If you are not satisfied with this arrangement, we kindly ask you to publish only in the Comments or Forum sections.


4 Create an Article

When you click on the Create an Article menu, you will be taken to a different webpage with four tabs on top:

  • Editor
  • Publishing
  • Language
  • Metadata
The following sections will expand on each tab. After you are done with all the pages, press Save to submit the article.
In addition, please note that the recommended language is English, since the website offers instantaneous machine-translations to many other languages. However, if you prefer to write in a different language, you are welcomed, provided that you add an English translation in your article (this translation may be done by machine, for example using Google Translate).
Lastly and in agreement with our Terms of Use, if you wish to be credited for your articles, please let us know through our Contact Us form so that we may take the relevant technical steps.


5 Create an Article - Editor

In this page you can write your article. Please note that due to the fact that all articles are formatted using HTML, formatting options are limited. It is not recommended that the article be developed in other tools (such as Open Office or MS Office) and then copied and pasted into the editor. This will generate a large number of errors. If you must create an article off-line, the best option is to use a text editor such as Notepad, that provides no formatting options. Copy the contents into the editor and the use the editor itself to format the article to your liking.

The Editor page has the following sections:

  • Title: Insert the title of the article: Try to make it as short as possible.
  • Alias: leave blank: The system will fill it in automatically.
  • Editing Pad: Write or copy your article in this area. Use the available formatting options. If you wish to be recognized as the author, add your name at the bottom of the article.
  • Add Attachment button: Press the button to add an attachment. If the attachment type is rejected, notify the Administrator.
  • Article button: Press the button to add an existing article.
  • Image button: Press the button to add an image.
  • Page Break button: Press the button to add a Page Break
  • Read More button: Press the button to add a "Read More" separator. DO NOT USE. Read More separators are set-up automatically.

At the end of each page insert the following statement followed by three returns:

Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.

The word "Glossary" must be linked to the glossary page located at

6 Create an Article - Publishing

The Publishing page has the following sections:
  • Category: Select the Category you want the article to be labelled with. If a Category does not exist, notify the Administrator.
  • Tags: Insert one or more tags relevant to the article.
  • Author's Alias: Leave blank.
  • Status: Published.
  • Featured: Yes.
  • Start Publishing: select 01:00 AM of the next day.
  • Finish Publishing: Leave Blank.
  • Access: Public.


7 Create an Article - Language

The Language page has the following sections:

  • Language: All.


8 Create an Article - Metadata

The Metadata page has the following sections:

  • Meta Description: Add a succinct description of the article
  • Keywords: Add keywords representative of the article, or copy the Tags.


9 Editing Existing Articles

If you are an Author, you can only edit your Articles. If you are an Editor, you can edit any Article.


10 Automated Linking

Please use the automated linking functionality provided by Sitelinkx. Do not create manual links.
Links must have a unique name. Do not link to transient pages, such as specific articles in newspapers.
To create a new link access the administration interface at
Login with your usual credentials
Access the Sitelinkx component
Select the New button
Follow fill-in the screen.

11 Status Upgrade Request

If you wish to be promoted from Registered User to Author or from Author to Editor, contact the administrator through the Contact Us form.


Version 1.3 applicable from 27 August 2013.


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