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Government Distrust


Dealing with bureaucrats

As the OECD is itself a bureaucratic organization it can't escape the obvious need to look after their own interests (jobs). As such they developed documentation outlining "the key principles for establishing and operating regulatory agencies" These key points are:

  • Role clarity
  • Preventing undue influence and maintaining trust
  • Decision making & governing body structure for independent regulators
  • Accountability & transparency
  • Engagement
  • Funding
  • Performance Evaluation

All bottom 6 key elements are based on the first one which is itself entirely dependent upon political decisions. What this structure translates into is job security. Basically it gives all bureaucrats the written and formal excuse to say "it's not our fault, we were just following orders". In essence, as long as bureaucrats do not deviate from point #1, they are untouchable… which is the golden dream of all bureaucrats. A well-paid, cushy job with no prospect of being fired. Ever.


The OECD also gave some thought to the "other" side of bureaucrats, the "enforcers". We don't exactly know why, since the OECD is not an enforcement agency. It may have been because they were ordered to do so or simply because they are heading in that direction; sort of an informal international enforcement agency (which to a degree they are becoming through the promotion -pressure- for tax treaties). Let's see what they have to say about guidelines for inspections:

…improving regulatory enforcement through inspections, making them more effective, efficient, less burdensome for those who are inspected and at the same time less resource-demanding for governments.

Their primary objective is patently clear. They want effective, efficient and cheap inspection processes to make sure that everybody is under control, monitored or under surveillance. In order to make this idea "sellable" they threw in the concept of making these inspections less burdensome for their targets.

What is interesting to note is exactly just how successful world-wide they have been (see for example They Want Everything). This could not have been differently, of course, because they aligned themselves with the powerful interests of the "Intelligence Community" which pervades all countries.

Incidentally, have you noticed how since a few years back every government employee behaves no longer as a "civil servant" but as "government official"? Emphasis on "official" as of or pertaining to an office or position of duty, trust, or authority… with double emphasis on "authority". It does not matter any longer if this person is the minister, major, police officer or janitor; they all feel that they need to give you orders. They are now in a position of "authority" to "enforce" existing "laws and regulations". Welcome to the new fascist regime with a branch everywhere for your in-convenience.


In this instalment of the reasons why you should not trust governments we started with the notion that good regulations produce trustworthy citizens and we went on to demonstrate that the only good law is no law. As such, legal prohibitions for people, businesses and everybody else except bureaucrats are actually quite bad and counterproductive. And if bureaucrats attempt to improve or streamline regulations by making them risk-adjusted, this will only make things worse. We demonstrated how the guidance recommended by the OECD can (and actually is) used by politicians and bureaucrats to achieve immunity and maintain power. Regulations (laws) are their source of power because it is what gives them authority over us. The trick they use is a circular argument (such as the deeply flawed "Principle of Authority"). It goes like this. We are in authority because we have the authority to put ourselves in authority. Got that?!

When the game is rigged, the only way to win is not to play. Or play by your own rules. F&P.

Although it is true that money is one of the cornerstones of their power, even fiat money is subjected to laws and regulations. We cannot fight them using their laws because we cannot create their laws. And so the only way we have to do so is to take away the power that they gave to themselves through those laws by creating our own. And the only way to do so is by not voting. Ignore them. Once sufficient people passes this threshold they will be powerless (see When Countries Dissolve).


This is the fourth article in a series of six detailing why you should not trust governments. Most of the information was kindly (and ridiculously expensively) collated by the OECD for our perusal… although we are pretty sure that this was not what they had in mind when they did so. The bottom line is simple; you should not trust governments because they create laws. They implement all kinds of laws which in the end keep them in power while increasing our misery and dependency. They are but tools of oppression. Furthermore, when everything fails they recommend more of the same. The governments themselves are telling us that so far they have failed in earning our trust! But if they have failed in so doing for over 200+ years, what are the chances that this time will truly be different? Isn't this reason enough not to trust them?

More to come in the next 2 articles.

Meanwhile, if you feel that you have been wronged by this article, it is your right to feel so. Next time you have your regulated and legally binding scheduled consultancy meeting with your "representative", please feel free to mention this article.

Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.

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