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Cuba and USA FriendsWhat happened? US and Cuba became traditional enemies starting in 1959 when Cuba nationalized US assets. Formally speaking, the US is a Representative Democracy while Cuba is a Representative Marxist-Leninist socialist state. Technically speaking these forms of government are mutually exclusive. Yet, something weird happened on the way to the future. Cuba and US have "agreed to disagree" is some issues but to "advance" elements of mutual convenience. What this means is nothing short of the acknowledgement that the US considers Cuba irrelevant and that Cuba considers US as impotent. At first glance. If we do not look too closely. Yet… something is not quite right. In order to put a finger on what's going on, we need to look at how both regimes operate in practice and for this task the most appropriate tool is a simple table.



On-Demand abolition of private property

Abolition of private property

Heavy progressive income tax

Heavy progressive income tax

Heavy taxation of rights of inheritance

Abolition of all rights of inheritance

On-Demand confiscation of property of all emigrants

Confiscation of property of all emigrants

Central Banks

Central Banks

Government control of communication and transportation

Government control of communication and transportation

Government control of factories and agriculture

Government control of factories and agriculture

Government control of labour

Government control of labour

Collective farms directed by centralized planning

Collective farms directed by centralized planning

Government control of education

Government control of education

In order to make it easy for you see the difference, we have colour coded the items.

Red means no coincidence.

Yellow means partial coincidence.

Green means large coincidence.

The explanation for this table can be found in our article Tovarishch. Basically what we are seeing today is the beginning of nothing more than the repeat of the "agreements" the USSR signed with other communist countries. The USSR did so despite the fact that other communist countries had differences in opinion as to what communism really meant and how to achieve it. The USSR did so because it understood that it was a bad idea to prevent minor differences from presenting a unified front. So did the US and Cuba. Yes, we know how it sounds but please keep in mind that this is only the beginning. As Cuba moves slowly towards commu-capitalism, the US moves towards capi-communism.

And what unified front would the US and Cuba present against? Oh. That's simple. You! During the cold war the communist block opposed the capitalist block. In this new and improved era of communism-light (also called socialism) the enemy is the people and will continue to be increasingly so as the economies of the world spin out of control and into the toilet.

Governments are beginning to be seriously worried about you. They understand political evolution. They know where this is heading and decided to "do something" now, while the number of evolved people is still low. The Obama-Castro rapprochement is nothing more than the latest expression of their fear and this is good. This is so because as the governments on earth become more and more homogeneous, all singing from the same book, more people realize that regardless where they look there are no solutions. Democracy (and its inevitable tendency towards socialism and communism) has failed as it could not be otherwise. And this is good because people grow desperate and disillusioned. And desperate and disillusioned people take their futures into their own hands. Welcome to the evolution!

Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.

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