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Communist FlagComrade! Seeing as we all live under the glorious leadership of the Chairman President (or Prime Minister or King or Clown-In-Charge) of our Central Committee Democratic and Representative system, it occurred to us that it would be a good idea to clarify the conditions necessary to facilitate the perfect implementation of modern democratic principles also known as The Democratic Manifesto. To task.


Plank #1: On-Demand abolition of private property

The state is the owner of all properties within your country (and yes, this includes your house, car and everything else). This is so because it can expropriate (i.e. steal) your property when and where it so desires. True, a "due process" (i.e. a meaningless and custom made process) must be followed but beyond that everything is for the taking. A few examples of this attitude include the famous abolition of all alodial (i.e. absolute) titles of property, the ridiculous concept of "eminent domain", and a veritable zoo of decrees, executive orders, findings, edicts and all matters of government decisions that can (at their whim) "relieve" you of your property.

Done! Green


Plank #2: Heavy progressive income tax

The government taxes (i.e. steals) your money on a scale related to your income. The more money you make, the more you pay. The typical taxes (hidden and transparent) for poor people oscillate between 10 to 20%, for middle classes it is anywhere between 25 to 40% and for rich people in the range of 50 to 90%.

Done! Green


Plank #3: Heavy taxation of rights of inheritance

Inheritance is the subject of many rules and regulations in all countries in the world. In most of them inheritance is heavily taxed. In others should a person die without a will, the state may take a large portion of those properties depending of the circumstances.

Done! Green


Plank #4: On-Demand confiscation of property of all emigrants

There are extremely restrictive financial laws dictating how much money (cash) you may bring into a country. Typically the amount is in the order of 10,000 USD (for countries with "strong" currencies) and much less for others. Should you attempt to bring more money into the country, a large portion (up to and including everything) may be "confiscated" (i.e. stolen). You may, of course, attempt to wire-transfer the money electronically from one bank account to the other, but should the amount be large enough you will be scrutinized by the relevant "authorities" as to the origin of those funds. Should your answers fail to satisfy so-called "law enforcers" a large portion (up to the entire sum) will be confiscated.

Done! Green


Plank #5: Central Banks

The existence of Central Banks and their control over money (i.e. fiat or more precisely funny money) is absolutely critical in order to control the economy. Almost all Central Banks in the world belong to the government and as such the value of your money is manipulated by the government thus ensuring control over your life (financial or otherwise).

Done! Green


Plank #6: Government control of communication and transportation

All countries in the world have government divisions or departments or ministerial dependencies or organizations that control all communications and transportation through licencing and regulations. In all countries in the world you cannot transport or broadcast anything anywhere without government approval.

Done! Green


Plank #7: Government control of factories and agriculture

All countries in the world have government divisions or departments or ministerial dependencies or organizations that control all industrial and agricultural activities. In all countries in the world you cannot manufacture or farm anything anywhere without government approval. The entire food chain is controlled. Furthermore, many governments subsidize or directly own industries and agriculture to very large degrees. For example think oil or natural gas, mineral resources, forestry, computers, military-industrial manufacturing (weapons, transports, armour, planes, etc.), large farms, water reservoirs, electricity, farm equipment, and many,  many others. As an exercise in futility, just take a look at the "assets" that your government owns. We guarantee you will be surprised (but not pleasantly).

Done! Green


Plank #8: Government control of labour

All countries in the world have government divisions or departments or ministerial dependencies or organizations that control all labour activities. In all countries in the world you cannot hire a labourer anywhere without being forced to follow government regulations (i.e. their approval). All aspects of labour are tightly controlled (at least on paper). Many aspects of labour relations (e.g. unions) are either controlled by governments (e.g. China) or heavily influenced by "populist" or "labour" political parties.

Done! Green


Plank #9: Collective farms directed by centralized planning

Many countries have local or regional government outposts that conduct planning of farming operations through subsidies. The directions upon which these outposts operate are decided at the highest level of the government based on general policies, many of which deal with ethereal concepts such as self-reliance or sustainability or self-sufficiency

In Progress! Yellow


Plank #10: Government control of education

Every country on earth with only one or two exceptions include some sort of Ministry of Education or similar which controls primary and secondary education with an iron fist. In many countries private schools are prohibited. Past secondary education, most university-level education is either state-funded or state-subsidized.

Done! Green



Our next exercise there will be a comparison between two different manifestos. The first manifesto will be Democratic and the second one Communist (written by Marx and Engels 150+ years ago). You will be able to see the vast differences between those two political views by yourself.

Democratic Manifesto

Communist Manifesto

On-Demand abolition of private property

Abolition of private property

Heavy progressive income tax

Heavy progressive income tax

Heavy taxation of rights of inheritance

Abolition of all rights of inheritance

On-Demand confiscation of property of all emigrants

Confiscation of property of all emigrants

Central Banks

Central Banks

Government control of communication and transportation

Government control of communication and transportation

Government control of factories and agriculture

Government control of factories and agriculture

Government control of labour

Government control of labour

Collective farms directed by centralized planning

Collective farms directed by centralized planning

Government control of education

Government control of education

In order to make it easy for you see the difference, we have colour coded the items.

Red means no coincidence.

Yellow means partial coincidence.

Green means large coincidence.

As you can see, there is a lot of Red Green.



This can't be.

Well… it is.


Since this site was created we have spent inordinate amounts of time showing you statistical data (take the ISI index for example) as well as practical, logical and rational evidence of all kinds pointing towards the fact that you live in heavily socialist countries; socialism being understood as Communism-light. Today we are showing you how almost all the principles of textbook Communism (as developed by their highest ideologists and inventors) have been implemented to a large degree in current so-called "democracies". Look, the issue is quite simple. If it looks like Communism, behaves like Communism and creates the same consequences as Communism, chances are excellent it is Communism regardless of what spin doctors, political advisors, campaign managers and public relation specialists may say. Face it Tovarishch, you are a Communist.

But then again Tovarishch, you may like being a Communist with all its implications. You may enjoy feeling the crushing power of the state on your live and having an absolute dependency on apparatchiks for all you do. If that's the case, we have only one thing to say: удачи и до свидания (udachi i do svidaniya).

Note: please see the Glossary if you are unfamiliar with certain words.

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