Differences between Classical Liberalism (Libertarianism) and Collectivist Liberalism
From our series Political Spectrum.
Morbi congue nisl a egestas euismod. Morbi hendrerit justo sed orci semper, in semper mi facilisis. Maecenas ultrices posuere egestas. Cras varius neque posuere massa consequat consequat nec at sem. Nullam scelerisque laoreet massa. Donec ultrices nibh a efficitur rhoncus. Nullam sit amet finibus libero, vitae hendrerit justo. Mauris pharetra nibh non nulla tristique commodo. Ut pulvinar purus vitae orci auctor placerat. Integer vitae purus luctus, sagittis mauris et, semper odio. Vestibulum at pulvinar tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus ante velit, egestas in lacinia sit amet, lacinia sed neque. Nunc lobortis, lectus hendrerit vestibulum elementum, eros nunc pulvinar lectus, eu molestie neque lacus in est. Nulla risus urna, volutpat in blandit nec, vulputate at erat.
Classical Liberalism |
Collectivist Liberalism |
It promotes the good of every single individual. |
It promotes the overall good of groups of individuals. |
Liberty is the primary political value of each individual. The government should not interfere with it. |
Liberty is still the primary political value, but the government is in charge to make sure we all receive it. Therefore, it may take from some people and give it to others in order to increase their liberty. |
The individual is more important than the collective. |
The collective good is more important than the individual as long as the government maximizes it by concentrating it on people most in need. |
Power should not be employed to force people to do things unless in extreme circumstances. Every person is the best judge of their own wellbeing. |
Power should be employed regularly to force people to do things for their own good or for the good of the collective. The wellbeing of the collective is more important that the wellbeing of the individual. The government is the best judge of the collective wellbeing. |
Higher principles should be applied equally to all governments on earth. |
Higher principles must sometimes be ignored for the good of the collective. Each government makes this decision. |
Civil society organizations (independent from governments) are the best way to solve the problems of society. |
Governments and government organizations are the best way to solve the problems of society. |
Order appears spontaneously through the voluntary interactions of people. |
Governments are necessary to create the rules (laws) that generate order. |
Free markets should be left to the voluntary actions between people. |
Governments should regulate or control how market interactions should occur for the good of the collective. |
Property should be private. |
Property should be private but the government may overrule it for the good of the collective. |
Disputes can be peacefully resolved by voluntary actions. |
Disputes must be resolved through government organizations to ensure they are peacefully resolved. |
History shows that free markets increase prosperity. |
History shows that interfering with free markets, such as through government planning, decreases prosperity. |
People must exercise toleration (allowing things that one strongly and personally disagrees with). |
Governments should not tolerate what governments disagree with, for the good of the collective. |
Peace is best achieved by not interfering with other countries. |
Peace is best achieved by forcing other governments (through threats or diplomacy) not to engage in wars. |
Peace is best maintained by supporting free movement of capital and labour, people, goods and services and ideas. |
Movement of capital and labour, people, goods and services and ideas must be limited for the good of the collective as governments decide. These movements have little effect of preventing wars. |
The role of the government is simply to protect the life, liberty and property of their citizens. |
The role of the government is to manage the life, liberty and property of their citizens in order to maximize the good of the collective. |
Governments must be strictly limited in size and power. |
Governments must be large and with widespread powers in order to balance "good" (take and give) to maximize the good of the collective. |