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Battlestr FreedomBattlestar Freedom Episode 21 Season 2

Chief Tyrol is sitting behind a desk. In the previous episode he beat his wife Cally when she attempted to wake him up from a nightmare. Camera shoots from the ceiling and slowly rotates down as John Cavail enters the room and takes a seat in front of chief Tyrol. Dialogue begins.

Fade in.

  • I am John. I understand you asked for political counselling…
  • That is correct, I never believed in free markets; my father was a politician.
  • I see, you though you would have an easier time with a political consultant than relying on yourself. OK.
  • I vote every time but I don't think it makes any difference.
  • Do you know how useless voting is, all that listening to slogans, ridiculous promises and generally mocking about with old half remembered lines of bad politics? And you know what it gets you? Exactly nothing!
  • Are you sure you are a political consultant?
  • I've been dispensing political wisdom longer than you have been voting, and in that time I've learned enough to know that the politicians don't answer votes. We are here on our own. That's the way they set things up because they don't care about us. We have to find our own answers, our own way out of the wilderness without a nice little sunny political path all laid out in front of us in advance.
  • That's what I want to do. I am trying to find my way.
  • It's not going get better until you see what the problem is. And the problem is that you are screwed up heart and mind. You, not politicians or faith or the universe. You!
  • Thanks for the pep talk.

Fade out.

Secondary plot.

Fade in.

  • Let's talk about what happened
  • I can't really believe it. Cally. I don't understand how I could do that to Cally… It’s a nightmare.
  • She said you were asleep when she found you. You were having a nightmare when she woke you up.
  • I don't remember.
  • Oh… been having any recurrent dreams lately? OK .That's what we in the PR trade call a lie. And lies are not going to get you anywhere my friend. So skip over the denials and the deceptions and let's get down to it. You are having dreams. What are they?

Fade out.

Secondary plot.

Fade in.

  • Tell me about your dream chief.
  • Every night it's the same.
  • For how long.
  • Couple of weeks.
  • And you were having the same dream when Cally woke you up. Weren't you?
  • I don't know. I don't remember. Maybe. It does not matter does it? All I can remember is Cally on the ground and the blood.
  • She stopped you. By waking you up she prevented you from carrying out your secret desire, to postulate yourself.
  • I don't have a secret desire to postulate myself.
  • Actually, you are right, It's not a secret. You obviously want to postulate yourself, the question is why?

Fade out.

Secondary plot.

Fade in.

  • Why are you running?
  • I am not.
  • How long are you going to do this? How long are you going to refuse to see what's right in front of face? Forget it. I am done!
  • You are leaving?
  • That's right. I am done. I am done dancing around the truth with you. You know what's going on but you can't or won't face it… so … I am not a therapist and I am not going to hold your hand and help you along. I am just trying to get you right with yourself and your instincts but you are not willing to do it.
  • I don't even know what you are talking about.
  • Oh for God's sake chief, you think you are a politician!
  • I am not a politician!
  • Well, of course you are not. But that's what you are afraid of. That you might be a politician and not even know it. Just like Boomer, right? Right? That's the thought that is torturing your dreams and crippling your soul. I am a politician just like Sharon and I deserve to die.
  • Sharon didn't know what she was, she just kept thinking, feeling, that she was going to do this terrible thing but she knew that she had to stop herself before she did.
  • And you think that what's you are going to do, some terrible thing? The truth is you might but not because you are a politician but because you are a human being and human beings do terrible things all the time.
  • But how do you know I am human and not a politician?
  • Oh maybe because I am a politician and I have never seen you in any of the meetings. There is not much more I can do for you. You are going to have to go back to work and try to leave all this behind you.
  • No. I can't. I can't go back to face the deck people again. And Cally?
  • Well you better. That's the only family you've got. Just know that that's your family. They love you. Even Cally. Specially Cally. If you doubt your humanity and your essential nature as a human being all you need to do is to look to them for the salvation you were seeking from politicians. People lift up those who lift up themselves, chief.

Fade out.


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